Elena Grossman | Autonomy

elena grossman bodily autonomy.png
elena grossman bodily autonomy.png
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Elena Grossman | Autonomy


“Bodily Autonomy” incorporates letterforms developed for “Gratitude,” a banner I created for the public exhibition Ritual Open, which will show from 2022 to 2024 in Washington, New York, and Oakland. I established a ritual to express Gratitude with lettering, language, and geometry, but soon adapted that ritual to my Rage and Resolve in response to the Dobbs decision. The excessively geometric forms of “Bodily Autonomy” grew out of a meditation on the distortion imposed on marginalized bodies by right-wing patriarchal violence. Gratitude is the engine of creativity, Rage provides short and intense bursts of motivation, and Resolve flows endlessly in the struggle for Bodily Autonomy.

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